(I was going to start with something profound, but the HARD THING right now is trying to type with a cat on my keyboard and mouse).
Last week I walked into the CrossFit box at my local fitness center with much fear, trepedation, and self-consciousness. Would I be judged by my doughy fat-girl vibe? Would the instructor say, "Hey, you! Taco John's is down the street!"?
Funny how our mind plays cruel games on us as we push past our comfort zone into the unfamiliar.
My friend, Jeanette, has been doing CrossFit for over ten years. We are the same age. She is a beast. And I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. She could probably bench press me without breaking a sweat. She's been encouraging me to join for the past year or so. She promised me I would be well received and accpeted.
She was right. I can't tell you how many people greeted me assuring me they were glad I was there and at the trailhead of quite the fiteness journey. One of the coaches told me she had a shoulder and hip replacement and CrossFit was what helped her get her life back.
CrossFit is HARD. It's the hardest thing I have done since my Highlander days at Houghton University. The goal of the wilderness adventure program was to find our limits and test them. I've kinda avoided such challenge for the past- cough cough- thirty years.
On day one, I couldn't hang from a bar. My fingers slipped right off, unable to hold my massive body weight.
Yesterday, I hung for 5 seconds. I haven't been practicing hanging, just doing all the other workouts of the day. That alone increased my grip strength. Growth.
Growth and progress are rewarding and inspiring to keep pressing on in spite of the fatige and soreness. I've made more progress from 5 classes of CrossFit than in years of just walking. Walking is good, but sometimes we have to push beyond what's comfrotable to grow stronger.
What hard things are you doing that is out of your comfort zone? What growth are you seeing or hoping to see? It doesn't have to be physical. Do you have a tribe to cheer you on?